Group Events

Creative Wellbeing and Holistic Group Events

Renewing your Passion

12 x Week Course

Based on Julia Cameron’s best seller “The Artist Way” Group sessions are aimed at uncovering and rediscovering your creative side. Working with morning pages, artist dates and a series of exercises and workshops that help uncover your passion and take more risks.

Dates to follow


Dynamic meditation, catharsis workshops, inquiry’s, boundary work, dance & movement workshops, creative therapy.

More information on workshops to follow!

Enneagram Workshops for Individuals & Organisations

Everyone emerges from childhood with one of the nine types dominating their personality, with inborn temperament and other pre-natal factors being the main determinants of our type. Find out your enneagram type and how to better understand your own traits and work more effectively with others.


1-on-1 Counselling & Coaching